Yes Tor with snow

Third time in a month we find ourselves on the top of Dartmoor. We were heading somewhere else, for a gentle walk when we saw the white cover over the high tors near Okehampton. A quick change of plan and a gorgeous climb in a perfect sunny day (even the wind at the summit was not too bad …). The snow was very fresh and soft although every footstep quickly turned it into a slippery icy patch. I recon it was snowing on Saturday, maybe even at the early hours of the morning. Perfect timing!

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West Mill Tor (on the right) and Yes Tor covered with fresh snow

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Looking towards High Wilhays, with Great Links Tor on the right

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Synchronised moment / divided moment / Timeframe photography @ Grey Wethers Stone circle





Armed with two cameras and inspired by Daniel Tchetchik and Oren Izre’el ‘Divided moment’ (Timeframe photography), we tried to capture the same moment from two different angles.

Not there yet …  but nevertheless spent a lovely day among stone circles, rows and Bronze Age settlement in Dartmoor.


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