Starlings Watch, Tue 12 Oct. 2010

A beatiful evening on the Sharpness – Gloucester canal. Clear skies and sunset over the Severn, met by hunderds (tousands) of Starlings murmurating above the reed bed. A swinging , ever growing cloud of birds, fly occasionaly above the canal and over my head.

More and more small groups emerge into the main cloud until at 6:05 all the birds swoosh-rest onto the reeds. All latecomers small groups, as if they know they’re late just fly immediatly into the reeds without any murmuration. A glourious ritual to mark the  end of the day.


<br /><small>View Starlings, Frampton on Severn in a larger map</small>


See Foxy Biddy live update on starlings murmuration in Somerset