WalkSwim from Mortehoe to Lee Bay, North Devon

Saturday morning was stormy, wet and miserable. We drove up to North Devon hoping that the forecast is accurate, and that the sky would clear up… We set off from Mortehoe to Buggy point with the first glimpse of blue skies and sun. Silly wind on the cliff top, it was pretty hard to stay stable. Lee bay was sheltered from the energetic sea. A perfect WalkSwim!

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The summer Thursdays evening swim is becoming a ‘night swim’ …

Still making it every Thursday for a 6:30pm plunge, but now it feels rather like a ‘night swim’…

The afternoon was particularly dark and swimming at what felt like dust had a really special atmosphere, especially when gaining some distant from the beach and when Sidders lights turn on …

There should be a bat in the second pic. Two of them were very busy feeding at about 7:15pm and did not mind us sitting there at all

2015-10-08 19.11.30 2015-10-08 19.13.44