Daffodils at Dunsford, March 2014

Sunday,  9 March 2014 was the first day this year that temperatures in England reached 20 degrees. Not sure where, and definitely did not feel like 20 deg in Dunsford, but we decided to let go all other plans and went to see the daffodils on the river Teign. Met Office gives some statistics: on recent years ,temp. passed the 20 deg mark for the first time about a month later, in the beginning of April… Last time we had 20 deg. before Mar. 8th was in 1978 ….

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Sailing March

Just me, short and cold. No photos. Castle Drogo  covered with scaffolding and looks like a cocoon.


This winter’s summaries are quite remarkable:

Another rainfall graph. SE England winter rainfall 1910 – 2014. Watch out for the big spike at the end! pic.twitter.com/Bpdio2YXEf


9/2/2014: Mark McCarthy on Twitter: seas turned red in teignmouth. Coastguard shutting the sea front now. Its a bit blowy here!! Photo by steven beasley.



Well, it feels like spring in on its way, but measurements in Exeter Airport show that the last time we had 48hrs without rain was on 10-11 Dec. 2013 , some 3 months ago …

Here’s a report about the flooding : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjxgnpVNjJQ