Tavy Cleave

Motivated and challenged by the post and stunning pictures of Alex Nail here,  and with a rare outlook of a dry weekend, we decided to spend the night at Tavy Cleave and take zillions of pictures. We set off on Saturday and the first thing we’ve noticed is how much GREENER  Dartmoor became since our latest visits .

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We carried the bags just about 3 km and pitched the tent by the water. It  could do without the outer cover for a while20130629 (29)



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Early morning the sun and fog were battling who would occupy the valley. Fog wins

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As the fog cleared up, we went exploring the pools and small waterfalls.   The local ring ouzel   filled the air with loud alarm calls, maybe trying to get us or the local sheep out of his territory.  Then we found the Bustan: in a tiny island, out of reach for the sheep, teaming with green shrubs and flowers, in a sharp contrast to the sheep-mowed short-grassed slopes.

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It’s mid-day and we haven’t seen a (human) soul yet.  We decide to climb up to the rim above the cleave, to get a better view, and see if we can spot where this picture was taken from.

The tent is just visible in the centre of the picture behind the bend.

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Wild swimming in the Cleave. We are not the first 

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I think we’ll have to visit again when it changes a bit …  http://www.garykingphotography.com/tavy-cleave

is it glacial ? is it periglacial ?

Go fly a Kite

Lazy Saturday morning. But the wind blows and the tide is out so I could not resist A’r suggestion to go to the beach.

It was blowing. shifting sand on the compacted mud, bit chilly not so many people. PERFECT for trying out the kites. A’r showed impressive piloting skills and the kite showed impressive determination to lift the boy with all its four forces http://www.my-best-kite.com/how-does-a-kite-fly.html

I didn’t have  a camera. So Here’s some old pictures. Different day (Feb. 2011), different Beach:

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Berlin I

We spent a long weekend in Berlin and were lucky to explore some bits through the eyes of people who live there.

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and the Jewish museum took a lot of our attention and mental resources. Apart from that there was  The Wall. Street food. Live music. Plenty of abstract pictures. outdoor markets. and lots of trams and buses and Bahns, especially at night. and we can almost pronounce – Oranienburger Straße

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